Desk Timezone Clock

Do you want to have a clock on your desk to show you the current and upcoming times in other city timezones? World Calendar has a handy clock mode to allow you to do just that!

Simply configure your timezones as you like, then hold down the red toolbar button. On the Mac app, select “Clock Mode” from the menu.

The great thing about World Calendar is that since it’s a calendar as well, you can see upcoming times at a glance.

If you have an old iPhone lying around that you want to put to good use, grab a stand, plug it into power and set it up. Now you’ll always know what time it is in other regions. You can download a version of World Calendar for iOS 12 which includes devices Apple classes as “vintage” like the iPhone 6. So get that phone out of the draw, and put it too good use!

Note that using a phone powered on for long lengths of time can lead to “retained” images on the screen, so I recommend only doing this on an old device you don’t care a whole lot about.