How to

Different ways you can employ World Calendar.

Find a good time to call friends

Friends in different timezones? Easily figure out when would be a good time for a chat with World Calendar. World clocks are great for showing you the current time in different places, but if you want to figure out when would be a good time to chat, for example when it’s 10am in your friend’s city, you’ll need to do a bunch of math, and who wants to do that?

Desk Timezone Clock

Do you want to have a clock on your desk to show you the current and upcoming times in other city timezones? World Calendar has a handy clock mode to allow you to do just that!

Plan Meetings

Do you have a challenge picking good times to meet people when they live and work accross different cities and timezones in the world? World Calendar is the app for you! It can help you find a time, and solve complex juggling of timezones. Since World Calendar is more than just a clock, you can see future dates and times, and easily pick the right time for your meeting.

Travel Planning

World Calendar is great to visualize travel over multiple timezones and plan connections and other events.